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Alice C. KojimaPhD

Climate Scientist

Passionate about visualizing and communicating data in a beautiful, understandable way


PhD Dissertation

Click below to learn about the individual projects that constitute my PhD dissertation: 

“Reconstructing Pacific Trade-wind Variability: Assessing and Extending the Novel Coral Mn/Ca Proxy":

A Mechanistic Investigation of the Coral Mn/Ca-based Trade-wind Proxy at Kiritimati

Mineralogical Insights into Coral Trace Element Incorporation and Stress Response

Coral Mn/Ca: A Window into Pacific Trade-wind Behavior

Characterizing the temporal variability of Western Equatorial Pacific trade winds via spectral analysis

Data Visualization & GIS Portfolio



Thanks for submitting!

Photograph taken by Diane Thompson.
Google Satellite imagery of Abaiang atoll, Republic of Kiribati (2020).
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